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Leadershi e Consapevolezza libro

Leadership e consapevolezza


Main Themes Addressed

Associations as Examples of Modern Leadership

The author analyzes the history and principles of Rotary International to demonstrate how a global organization can serve as a positive model of leadership. The Rotary, with its commitment to service and ethics, becomes a case study to understand the importance of values such as solidarity, altruism, and human connection in leadership.

The Relationship Between Science and Faith

Rossello reflects on how leadership should not be understood solely in rational terms but also in relation to its spiritual dimension.
The following aspects are explored:

  • The contributions of quantum physics and metaphysics, highlighting how modern science is opening new perspectives on the role of consciousness.

  • Influences from New Age thought, emphasizing human potential and connection with the universe.

In this context, the author poses a key question:
How can a leader balance rational logic with a broader spiritual vision?

The Crisis of Values in Modern Society

The author examines the decline of fundamental values within three pillars of society:

  1. Family: Increasingly fragmented and less capable of providing moral guidance.

  2. Faith: As a spiritual reference point, it is being questioned in an increasingly secularized world.

  3. Politics: Often disconnected from an ethics rooted in serving the common good.

This crisis of values is seen as both a challenge and an opportunity for leaders, who must rethink their role in a context of social instability.

Conscious Leadership

Conscious leadership is the core of the book. Rossello argues that a true leader must first and foremost be self-aware—of themselves, their role, and the implications of their actions.

Being conscious involves:

  • The ability to recognize and manage one’s own emotions.

  • Empathy toward others.

  • A clear vision of one’s goals and the values that guide them.

Examples of Great Leaders

The author presents historical and contemporary figures who have embodied various styles of leadership. These examples serve as both inspiration and points of reference, illustrating how success and effectiveness depend on the ability to combine practical skills with moral depth and spiritual awareness.

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