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Born in Alessandria, Italy.


He has a daughter, Ginevra and a partner, Lorena.


Scientific High School, graduate Electronic Engineer at the Politecnico di Torino and post-graduate specialization in Marketing Management with Philip Kotler.


CEO of Paglieri S.p.A. 


CEO of Selectiva S.p.A.


CEO of Agopag S.p.A.


Chairman of Rotary Institute Rome 2023


Managing Director ItaTeam


Former President of the Italian Cosmetics Industry Association : "Cosmetica Italia".


Former Chairman of Cosmetica Italia Servizi Srl.


Member of the General Council of Italian Chemical Industries- Federchimica.


Academic of the European Academy for Economic and Cultural Relations in Rome - AEREC.


Former member of the Aspen Institute.


Rotary International Governor, district 2032, Year 2013-2014.


Major Donor of "The Rotary Foundation" awarded with the Paul Harris Fellowship.


Awarded “Gagliaudo d’oro”, the highest honor from the City of Alessandria.


His volunteering with the Italian Association of Multiple Sclerosis AISM and supporting other humanitarian causes has been part of his life.


He has lectured in many universities around Italy, loving the contact with young ideas and young people, such as the “Brand Lab” at the I.U.L.M in Milan.


Frequent speaker at international conferences on ethics, leadership and the relationship between science and faith.


His engineering studies took him to explore and grow his passion and interest in Quantum Mechanics, widening his life views and theories.


Currently writing a book on the “Illusion of reality”.


Has contributed to several publications:

- “Dalla pubblicità alla comunicazione”, Franco Angeli Editore.

- “Giovani e Futuro”, Fondazione Banca Europa.

- “Leadership Futura”, Fondazione Banca Europa.


In 2013 he published “Leadership e Consapevolezza” a search for the ideal leadership between history, philosophy and post normal, out of print but available on major ebook stores.




General Aviation - Private Pilot EASA/FAA

Scuba Diving - A Instructor PADI n.955039

Illusionism - Member CMI-IBM-CADM

Sea lover - Boat owner

Ham Radio licensed IW1BBA

Sport cars & motorbikes lover

Photography enthusiast

Drones - APR Pilot license EASA

Black belt 2nd Dan Aikido/Hapkido






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